Sprinkler System Winterization in Denver, CO

Pre Winterization Steps
- Turn off water
- Open test cocks
- Let water drain
- Open larger valves
- Quick cycle the system
- Cover your backflow preventer

Follow These Steps for Winterization
If a freeze is predicted to come before your scheduled blowout, follow these steps to protect your sprinkler system until we arrive to winterize your sprinkler system.
Step 1 – Turn off the water to the sprinkler system. This is either a valve in the basement or crawls space, or a valve outside that is underground a needs a long key to turn on and off.
Step 2 – Open the test cocks on the side of the backflow preventer using a screw drive open so the screw head is at a 45-degree angle. (these are the two smaller outlets on the side in the picture). Water will drain out of these.
Step 3 – Turn the larger handled valves so that the valves are sitting at a 45-degree angle (shown in the picture).
Step 4 – Run your system through a quick cycle using the controller. This will relieve water pressure and allow more water to drain.
Step 5 – Cover your backflow preventer with a blanket or towel and slip a trash bag over the top, this will insulate and protect your backflow preventer.